Wednesday, May 16, 2012

1 month :) still going

So today is 1 month since I started my new eating style. Gotta say I'm proud of myself for coming this far. It's been hard and tough somedays I want to give up. I changed up my whole eating with the help of dear friend Sonja who is helping along the road. My meals consist of 5 small meals a day which is with NO SUGAR, carbs, dairy, salt, oil, all but green veggies, complex carbs, lean meat, NO NUTS, and a gallon of water per day for the next 4-6 weeks. Slowly will add in the other food.

I do cardio 4-5x a week and some weight training in running a longer and farther and if I don't exercise I feel guilty. MY CHEAT DAYS ARE SUNDAYS AND YEA I REWARD MYSELF and prep my meals that day also. My body feels good I feel good and most of my pants are starting to fall :)))) yayyyy. So today was my first way In and in proud to say I dropped 9ibs. :) and I am happy with it.

I still have a lot to go and a lot more to accomplish :) can't wait :)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 3 day 1 trying new things

GOOD WEEK IM FEELING REALLY GOOD :) more energy and Guess what?? I took A WheatGrass Shot for the first time :) and outcome I like it very earthy taste but I will continue to get in my shots lol. wheatgrass gives you energy and is good for your digestive system.

What else did I do new that I Love ZUMBAAAAAA OH MY Zumba is awesome almost a week since I been going and not just myself but with my sis inlaw and we Love it WHY BECUZ WE LOVE TO SWEAT :) hehehe. Feel like stomach is going down I still do my run/walk in the mornings and my weights and then ZUMBA At night . I don't look like I changed but what matters most is I feel really good. CROSSING MY FINGERS WEIGH UN IS MAY 16th yikes!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 2 day 1

Well it's the second week of day 1 and all I can say is the first week was very hard but I pulled through and fought on with willpower :. My body feels good I feel good. I changed my eating eat cut out the bad carbs and sugar eating 5 small meals a day. And drinking lots of water I LOOVE H2o :).

I download an app in my phone called C25k to help me yield endurance with running and it's I like it a lot. I try to incorporate some weight training with cardio working on my arms with 5ib it's burning lol I k own it's only 5ibs LOL. And yes I give my self a cheat day and day off becuz it's important to rest the body and reward yourself and it's Sunday :)
I'm really happy I'm doing this especially with the support of my husband and sister Annie and also my fit fam who give me ideas and help me out especially there words of motivation :) and everyone else.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

12 week biggest loser challenge

So I got myself into a 12 week challenge took a picture and sent it in even though I really didn't want to. Thanks to Sonja Huntington for doing this it will help me a lot more :) weighed myself in and next weigh in is may 16th :). We are able to use whatever plan we want and whoever loses the most wins. It's not a diet just like Sonja said its to help us and motivate us to have a healthier lifestyle:) i was scared to do it but I NEED TO AND HERE ISECOND DAY.just want to cut my bad habits soda, bread bread bread and portion control and being Samoan doesn't help lol. I got an app on my phone call C25k and I love it and it kicked my butt lol.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Rest in love to in of my favorite aunties ALIITASI FALENIKO AIONO aunty my mom were best friends more so sisters . Now they are reunited up in the most beautiful lest place ever with our heavenly father. We love you aunty rest in love say hi to mom :)

Congrats to the new mr and mrs tauti Siaosi and gabby Aiono :)

March celebrated the new beginning of their life together and as a family with my nephew Siaosi and gabby Aiono :) and baby Sean :) what a beautiful day it was so beautiful everything CONGRATS TO THEM BOTH.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

more catching up

lets since early february well Valentines weekend manaia was in the hospital again for a bad eye infection that ended up having her get a TEMP ARTIFICIAL CORNEA TRANSPLANT FOR NOW.  This weekend was very overwhelming for ray and i took manaia in because her eye  was infected and hoping was nothing small. Manaia had an infection in her that formed and ulcer and the ulcer was sucking the Iris part of her and it was making her pupil shape like an oval instead of a circle. I gotta say this was the most me and ray felt overwhelmed with everything that has been happening with manaia not just over the years but last couple of months since its her second time being hospitalized within 3months apart. Manaia was the first case that dr.s at childrens and county have seen with a rare cornea condition so alot of dr.s would come in and ask if they can see her eye till now they are studying her case. She had an emergency surgery and felt like the LONGEST DAY EVER with so much in my mind as to why her?? i know that we shldn't question our heavenly father but just to have faith and know everything witll be ok. Her surgery was the longest 3hrs ever all i cld think of is when i get to see my baby in my arms again. i didnt want to leave to go home and shower as everyone tried to get me to do i cldn't becasue i wanted to be there where she was. We are so greatful and thankful for the love and support that we have from our Amazing family and friends who came to the hospital the same night they transfered manaia to county usc to be there for us but mainly manaia. even the ones who weren't far and wished they cld have been there with us was there in spirit.  So thankful for my Dad who has the power of the Priesthood in our family especially his unconditonal love for manaia and staying with us in the hospital till she came out of recovery along with my stepmom and sister in law brenda. Uncle tony and aunty irene who drove 6hrs from arizona to be there for us and helping me in the hospital. I am very thankful for my husband who together we worked well together as a team. Manaia needs to heal before her next surgery mean time she sees opthomalogists every 2-3 weeks :)